Sunday, August 20, 2006

Pardon my language

My sweet, sweet boy was playing with a new toy yesterday when it stopped working...and this is what he said:

"Stupid motherfucker."

Even though he had spent the day with his grandmother, Rune decided to ask him where he learned that word. At first he didn't want to name names...but after some pressure from his dad, he did. It was some kid at camp.

I still think he was covering up for my mother. Posted by Picasa


Laura said...

mom laughed it was hiliarous

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I wasn't the one to teach him stupid MF. However, there are so many other equally important things that I will teach him. So don't you worry your little head about all that he will learn from me...
love always,

terry said...

uh.... i was thinking... maybe he picked it up from YOU!

be careful what he teaches his brother. no, wait... don't stop him. it's funnier that way.

Queen of Cheese said...

Dennis call me DEN!

ha ha ha ha ha ha

I love him.