Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bring Out The Gimp

So...I fell yesterday. It wasn't a big fall. I didn't end up spread eagle on the ground or anything. I was in my driveway when my ankle turned, my foot slipped...and I ended up on the ground. The baby is fine. Everything is fine. Except my toe. Somehow I managed to hurt my left, fourth (the little piggy that had none) toe. It's either sprained or broken or something...because I can barely walk.

I'm a few days away from having a belly is sticking out to there...and now...I can't put any weight on my left foot. That is pathetic...

Comments from my helpful family:

  • "You have to be able to walk. Walking is all you have left."
  • "Alan says he feels sorry for you. I think it's funny."
  • "Mama, just hop like hopscotch."

**UPDATE: I wouldn't be a true Corral if I didn't acknowledge how funny it is that I fell. It really is.

1 comment:

terry said...

i say, sit down, put your feet up, and relax! you won't have much time for that, soon...

or, try hopping. that's an excellent idea when your center of gravity is all askew...!